Thursday, 24 May 2012

Computer Hardware Revolutionizing the Office

Advancing computer hardware

Computer hardware is advancing at such a rate that it seems there is constantly a new high tech gadget on the market. And these products are all designed to help how we work, so much so that technology is mutating how the conventional office and workplace operate.

Wireless technology

If you have the right computer hardware you can work wherever the mood takes you. Remote working is increasingly popular thanks to the advance of wireless broadband. Even for those who do work in an office environment, some business experts predict that in the not so distance future the workplace will become a desk-less meeting space.

The right computer hardware and systems

Author Charles Handy suggests that office blocks can have a depressing, battery-farm conformity that dulls the human spirit and inhibits creativity. Now, with the right computer hardware and systems, offices can break the mould. Handy predicts that rather than being tied down by computer hardware, employees will be freed by it. Wireless hubs mean employees don’t have to sit at a desk but can move around the office and have a more creative interplay with other staff and kit like A3 printers.

Affordable computer hardware and software

The wide availability and relative cost-effectiveness of computer hardware also means that many people can now set up their own office in their homes. Many believe that the life-work balance is improved by working from home, which makes staff more content, happier and thus more productive workers. And flexible and remote working is an attractive option for working parents. Buying the right computer hardware and working from home can offer them the flexibility to work around their children.

Advances in computer technology

Some business experts believe the benefits of advances in computer hardware and wireless technology include greater collaboration between colleagues – rather than individual desks that root staff to the spot. In the future, staff could share large tables equipped for people to move their computer hardware around to suit their working needs.

Computer hardware and software revolution

Computer hardware and software have already revolutionized the office – with many companies working on a ‘paper-free’ policy. Storing documents on computer hardware rather than on paper also means staff can access information both in and out of the office, thanks to wireless technology. Phone calls can also be made through Voice-over IP soft-phones on laptops. Using computers in this way means companies can cut down on other hardware such as telephone switches.


Business analysts are also predicting the idea of using computer hardware to link up offices around the world – digital and ultrasound pens can share what is written down instantly. If you have the right computer hardware and software, digital pens can be used with a table top detector so, for example, designers in Britain can communicate with manufacturers in China.

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